
Whether you are new to Union Park Elementary or just new to PTA — we are glad you are here! PTA is a great way to get involved in the life of our community.


Here how to get started:


1—Register on this site—then join PTA

Our PTA subscribes to Membership Toolkit —an online service that makes it easier to work together for the good of our students. Click the “Login or Register” button below and follow the prompts. Verify your email, then tell us about your family. You can specify what information you'd like to appear in the directory — or choose not to appear at all. Once you've updated your family information and privacy preferences, join the Union Park Elementary PTA for the current school year for $10! Volunteering and meetings are ALWAYS optional — But we invite you to do both, and hope you will! 

Login or Register

Already have a Membership Toolkit account (with another organization or from a previous year)? Use the same log-in here!



2—Stay informed!

Union Park Elementary PTA has a Facebook page—which we use to share information that is of general interest and other important updates. 





3—Use your powers for good!

Whether you have 30 minutes — or larger chunks of time — your willingness to volunteer makes a big difference in the life of our school! Most Union Park Elementary volunteers work full or part time, which makes everyone's service extra important! See where your talents might be best used here. 


If volunteering will take you beyond the front doors at Union Park Elementary, you will need to request a background check from Denton ISD by completing a volunteer application. This will need to be done 1 time per school year through Denton ISD. Click here to complete and submit a volunteer application.